Hallux Valgus
Hallux Valgus
Symptoms of Hallux Valgus are a misaligned big toe, where the big toe goes outwards. There is often pain in the big toe joint, and at the same time, swelling forms around the big toe joint. The lump is a result of the metatarsal going inwards and the toe going outwards. The condition is most common among women. The cause of Hallux Valgus is that the big toe does not bend under load. There is a condition called Functional Hallux Limitus, which means that the big toe does not bend when walking over it, which leads to stress in the joint.
The brain then sends out signals to the body that tell not to walk on the joint because it hurts. Compensations will occur, which leads to going obliquely over it. The heel goes inwards for every step you take, and the big toe joint forces outwards.
After the treatments, patients with Hallux Valgus are always pain-free due to the joint being released, and there will be less pressure which makes it less irritating.
The treatment involves releasing the joint so that the big toe can bend upwards.
Treatment step by step
- First, we go through the cause of the problem, and we look at the posture of the foot.
- Then strength and mobility tests are performed on the feet.
- The big toe has a changed movement pattern that we try to correct.
- The patient himself receives exercises that they can do at home to influence the position of the big toe.
- Then we have a basis on how we should treat the feet.

- The treatment is done with a device called StretchPower. With the help of a bar, we expose the lower leg to pressure so that the ankle is bent, mobility increases, and the error is corrected. Before the treatment begins, we put it in the correct position in StretchPower to get the desired effect on the treatment.
- After the treatment, we go through how you walk and use your gait. The walking pattern always needs to be corrected so that you start using your feet in the right way and bring out the function of the foot when you walk.