Our feet are constantly in use during the day. From the time we get up in the morning until we go to bed. We must therefore take good care of our feet. Incorrect foot function can lead to calluses or corns on the feet. But what exactly are calluses and corns? And what sets them apart? We’ll find out today! We will go through what calluses and corns are, what causes them, how they are treated and what distinguishes them. Let’s start by going over what calluses on feet are.

What is a calluse?

A callus or callus as it is also called is hard layers of skin that lack clear delineation. The skin becomes discolored, often white/yellow or brown and thickened. The calluses usually form in different places around the foot. Usually around the heel, pad or toes. Many people may feel irritated by the calluses but they are actually formed to protect the skin. Often calluses do not hurt, but there may be underlying problems that cause the calluses.

What causes calluses?

Improper foot function is the main cause of calluses. A lot of pressure and friction from tight shoes can also lead to calluses. As mentioned earlier, you can get calluses in different places around the foot. For example, if you have had calluses on the inside of the big toe, i.e. the side that is against the other foot, it is because you twist the heel and go wrong over the foot. Clear signs that you twist the heel and go wrong over the foot are that you splash down the pant leg on the opposite side or get gravel in the shoe. Depending on where the calluses are located, there may be different underlying causes.

Treatment for calluses

To treat the calluses, you first need to find out why they occur. Once the cause has been determined, the problem can then be treated. For example, if you have calluses on the little toe, it may be because you stress the little toes too much by walking on the outside of the foot. The fact that you walk on the outside of the foot can in turn be due to the fact that the big toe does not bend normally under load, which means that you unconsciously do not go over the big toe.

So, to treat this, one must first treat the function of the big toe, hallux rigidus. Then you have to practice walking correctly, which in turn will lead to  the calluses under the little toe disappearing. At Pronatos,  we can help you figure out what may have caused the calluses and treat the problem.

What is a bunion?

A bunion is a hardener, often with a hard core. Around the hard core, the skin can become inflamed. So when you press on the area, it hurts a lot. Like common calluses as mentioned before, corns arise from incorrect foot function or when the foot is subjected to a lot of pressure or friction. Corns are sometimes confused with warts due to their round shape and elevation at the core. But there are some clear differences. Corns, for example, arise only one by one and they do not infect as warts do. They even just get on their feet while warts can occur anywhere. Most often, corns arise between the toes in the nail fake or on the foot.

What causes corns?

The cause of corns is similar with calluses. Many times, corns arise from having walked in ill-fitting shoes or walked in heels, which creates great pressure on the front toes. But it can also be due to internal factors such as misalignment in the foot. When you have hallux valgus or hammer toe, corns are common. Often you get problems with a bunion that forms on the top of the toe that curves upwards.

Treatment for corns

Corns can be painful as the skin around it becomes inflamed. Like calluses, it often helps to switch to more spacious shoes that give more space for the foot and reduce friction. You can also go and get medical foot care where you can get professional help with filing the foot and getting rid of the bunion. However, if bunionists have arisen in connection with other foot problems, we recommend that you seek medical care. Otherwise, the problem will be recurrent. At Pronatos,  we treat both hallux valgus and hammer toe. We also help you prevent so that the problems do not come back. Get in touch with us and we can tell you more.

Difference Between Calluses and Corns

Many people often confuse calluses and corns. The main difference between the two is its design. Corns are small circles of thick skin, often with a knot, that go into the skin which can create irritation and pain. Calluses are usually larger flat areas where the skin has become thickened and discolored. Calluses can also lead to discomfort and sometimes pain, especially when it goes down into the lower layers of the skin. Another major difference is that corns are very common in connection with other foot problems such as hallux valgus and hammer toe.


We hope this text has been informative and helps you gain a better understanding of calluses and corns. If you experience other foot problems associated with corns or calluses, Pronatos can  help you. We use an effective treatment method called Pronatos to correct the feet and restore the normal function of the foot. If you want to know more or book an appointment, you can contact us below.

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